Jog (1000 Kilometer Brevet)

Date: 4 April 2019 - 7 April 2019 Total distance: 1,017 Kilometers Start Time: 4:00 pm 4 April 2019 Return Time: 7:45 am 7 April 2019 With: Various riders Altitude Profile: Jog 1000 is another signature ride from Bangalore Randonneurs. It was positioned as a practice ride for the Paris - Brest - Paris (PBP) ride later in the year. The thought process behind the ride being to give the riders a feel of rolling terrain and also for us to be able to assess our preparation for the PBP ride. I don't know if this is just for me, however, the days in 2019 seem to be flying very fast. Not too long ago the registrations were opened for the ride and we had a month in hand between the registration and the ride. It was sufficient time to prepare for the ride. However, the days went past in a jiffy and the preparation was minimal. I did not understand what I had done with the time in hand and how the ride had come up so fast. The ride was scheduled ...