SR 5 - Super Randonneur in 5 days

Date: 1 November 2018 - 5 November 2018 Total distance: 1,500 Kilometers The 2017-18 season had ended and the 2018-19 season was onto us. Time had flown and the previous years Super Randonneur (SR) in a month did not seem like it was done a year ago. Getting around to doing it in a month was a difficult task a year ago. When the idea of doing the SR series in 5 days was floated, I thought that it would be a mere discussion and would not see the light of the day. However, given that Bangalore Randonneurs keeps surprising us, the SR in 5 days was going to be a reality. The calendar for the new season was announced and the dates for the SR in 5 days were announced. It was going to be the first ride of the season, a humongous task for the organisers to start with the SR5 and get things in order for pulling off 4 rides back to back. The SR 5 comprised of 4 rides, that is the 600 kilometer, 400 kilometer, 300 kilometer and 200 kilometer rides done back to back making it...