
Date: 6 September 2014

Total distance: 99 Kilometers

Start Time: 2:00pm

Return Time: 10:00 pm

With: Priya & Gaurav

Altitude Profile:

Priya was very keen to cycle and wanted to do a day trip. Checked with Gaurav and he also agreed to come along. I wanted them to have a little practice so decided to rent two cycles on Friday itself after it was decided that we would go to Mancanabele which is approximately 50 kilometers from our residence on Saturday.

Gaurav could not make it on Friday, Priya and I went for a practice ride of approximately 40 kilometers. She did it relatively comfortably.

Next day, I had gone to my sister’s house, so met up with Priya and Gaurav near the Nayandahalli Flyover at 3:00 pm. Since we were riding in the afternoon, time was of essence since I wanted to make it back to the highway before dark. I pushed both of them to ride a little fast so that we could get back in time. Had a 15 minute stop near Decathlon, Mysore Road due to heavy rain. Took the deviation from Mysore Road at 4:15 pm and were on our way. Took another deviation to avoid the main road and pass through villages. The road was good except that they were very steep. The previous day’s ride had its effect on Priya and we had to take frequent breaks. The upward gradients were almost always done by pushing the cycle. We lost time in checking the route and also due to the breaks and reached Manchanabele by 5:15 pm. Stopped to take in the view and photos. 15 minutes later we were back on the saddle to return.

The return was not as smooth as expected. Within a few kilometers Priya’s cycle suffered a puncture and in the absence of a puncture repair kit we were left to pump air every time and ride till it lasted. We made it back to the highway just after nightfall. With intermittent stops to take care of the wheel we made it to Bunts in Banashankari for dinner.

Post dinner when we started, Priya’s cycle had had enough and the tire gave way. I could not fix it since the tube had come out of the tire. Loaded her cycle onto an auto and sent Gaurav in it. Priya and I rode back. We got back home by 10:00 pm. We stretched our muscles and congratulated each other for having completed the journey.


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