Chennai - Pondicherry - Cuddalore
Date: 29 July 2017 - 31 July 2017
Total distance: 590 Kilometers
Start Time: 3:45 am 29 July 2017
End Time: 9:00 pm 31 July 2017
With: -
The Bangalore Chennai ride had been on the agenda for a very long time. The route almost dates back to the time when I purchased the MTB. However, I had never managed to schedule the ride. The main factor which held me back was doing the distance in one day. Now with the experience of riding in the brevets I knew that the distance was not a concern. The weekend was free and there was the possibility of extending another day. With a tentative plan to ride for 2 days I decided to ride to Chennai on the first day and to Pondicherry with a stop at Mahabalipuram on the second day. If I had a third day I planned to ride back to Bangalore from Pondicherry. It was a last minute plan and I spent a few hours trying to plan out the time for the ride to Chennai. As I was at work I knew that I would not be able to leave before 4:00 am. I chalked out a schedule only for the ride to Chennai as the distance to be covered was over 300 kilometers:
Ride Time (hrs)
Total Time
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Koramangala | Kolar |
Kolar | Mulabagal |
Mulabagal | Palamaner |
Palamaner | Chitoor |
Chitoor | Ranipet |
Ranipet | Kanchipuram |
Kanchipuram | Sriperumbudur |
Sriperumbudur | Marina beach |
The route is downhill and I did think that the plan was conservative and that I would be able to make it before night fall if I could sustain the speed in the afternoon when the heat is at its peak.
Day 1: Bangalore to Chennai:
Date: 29 July 2017
Total distance: 344 Kilometers
Start Time: 3:45 am
End Time: 19:30 pm
With: -
Altitude Profile:
Koramangala - Mulabagal - Chitoor - Kanchipuram - Marina Beach

Call it nerves or fear, as Friday drew to a close I was not too keen on riding during the weekend and was getting lazy. It was post 10 pm on Friday when I decided to go for the ride and began to get the cycle ready. Gaurav fixed the Go Pro Hero Black 5 camera onto the cycle, the air pressure checked and the cycle tools and spares loaded into the handle bar bag and the cycle was ready. I did not pack clothes as I still had doubts about waking up and left it for the morning. I set the alarm for 2:30 am and went to bed.
I realised that I was excited about the ride when I was up at 1:00 am. It was too early to start, I spent the next 1.5 hours tossing and turning in bed and got out when the alarm rang. I packed the bag and loaded it onto the cycle. Got ready and headed out.
It was 3:45 am, 15 minutes before the planned time, but it did not matter. I started with my usual speed through the streets of Bangalore and began to push the speed after crossing the KR Puram hanging bridge. My first target was to get to Kolar and then take things from there based on physical condition. I kept reminding myself that it was a long day and that I needed to save up on energy and not push too hard on the speed front. There was a temptation to try and better the previous mark of 3 hours 36 minutes for 100 kilometers, however , I did not want it to be a case of registering a personal best for the 100 kilometer mark and not being able to get to the actual goal which was to reach Chennai. I took it a little easy and pushed within limits.
It was day break when I was near Narsapura. The Sun began to peep from behind the clouds, the light improved and so did the traffic. However, with a wide shoulder on the left, traffic was not a problem. I reached Kolar in 2 hours 40 minutes, about 10 minutes over my fastest time, however, I was happy with the speed.
It was 6:25 am and I had completed 70 kilometers. I was on for another sub 4 hour 100 kilometers. I kept pedaling at the same speed and did not feel any strain in the legs. The original plan was to stop around Mulabagal for breakfast, however, as I could make it to Mulabagal by 8:00 am, I decided to ride further before stopping for breakfast. I covered the distance to Mulbagal quickly and went past the town. It was 7:30 am when I completed 100 kilometers. I had done it in 3 hours 45 minutes, just 9 minutes over my previous best.
It was too early for breakfast, decided to keep riding, and based on earlier experience I knew that I could push on for a further hour and a half before I stopped for food. There was a light cross wind which was making its presence felt. I was riding on the left and keeping a steady pace. Sometimes when a strong gust of wind blew across I would put my head down and watch the line as I pedaled. In one of those moments I did not see a Maruti Van driving on the wrong side (as is the case where the localites always ride/drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid having to go round) and saw him only at the last minute. He had a weak horn which was audible only when he was about 10 meters from me. A last minute weave to avoid him saved the cycle from damage. In a short while I was at the Karnataka border and as I made my way past the broad highway became a two lane road without a median in between.
The heavy vehicles increased and it came with a little climbing. The pace slowed a bit till I got past the climb and made it to rolling terrain. The trucks/buses were finding it difficult to get past me even though I was on the extreme left of the road as it is a very busy road. On a couple of occasions a truck/bus had to follow me for almost 50 meters before getting past me as there was unabated traffic from the opposite side.
I reached Palamaner at 9:00 am. With a 10 kilometer downhill coming up I did not want to stop. I was excited about the downhill and just as I got to the start of the downhill I made a quick stop to set up the go pro camera. All set and the downhill started. It did feel like I had pedaled a lot more than I had done the last time I rode this downhill, probably the luggage weight slowed things down; the downhill did get over pretty quickly and I was left wanting more. As soon as the downhill got over the excitement was over and the hunger pangs began to bite. I was 30 kilometers from Chitoor, I tried to push myself to get to Chitoor so that I can ride a long afternoon session which would get me close to Chennai by the time I stop for lunch. However, in about 6 kilometers the thought of food was dominating the mind and I had to stop for food to get the thought out of the mind and be able to concentrate on the road. I stopped for breakfast at Nandi Food Plaza, I had done almost 160 kilometers in 5 hours 54 minutes. The longest that I have ridden in a stretch without a break.
It was a quick breakfast. I had pongal and drank Seven Up. As I was carrying guava with me I did not want to eat more as I was going to eat a guava as I rode. I started from the hotel at 10:10 am. I munched on a guava as I started the ride and started out slowly. I increased the pace after I was done with the guava. As I got closer to Chitoor I got a taste of people's impatience on the road. As it is a two lane road overtaking opportunities are limited and people on the road are not ready to wait behind slow moving traffic. A SUV tried to overtake a truck on the opposite side and came straight at me, I was pushed off the road. Fortunately I was able to get off the road and bring the bike to a halt.
Got back on the road and back on pace, did not want these incidents to deter me as it is expected on a high traffic road and as long as I was concentrating I would be fine. I reached Chitoor and took the bypass. The road condition on the bypass was bad and it was a bumpy ride. Knew that the road condition would not improve as long as I was in the vicinity of Chitoor. I rode safely and at a steady pace and kept the speed under check till the road condition improved. The road improved when I left Chitoor behind and I was back up to speed.
I was feeling hungry again. It was around 12:00 pm. It was way before I had budgeted and I was a long way off from Kanchipuram. I took out another guava and munched on it as I rode. I took the turn towards Ranipet and continued on my way. I had to stop at a railway crossing and wait for a train to pass. This drew unnecessary attention from the waiting crowd. I had constant company for 2 kilometers after crossing the gate when a person on bike rode alongside and had the usual questions about the ride. I crossed the border and entered Tamil Nadu. Another kilometer and I was done with 200 kilometers for the day. Ride time of 7 hours 30 minutes for 200 kilometers and a total time of 8 hours 5 minutes. I had ridden the first 100 kilometers and the second hundred kilometers in identical 3 hours 45 minutes time. I was happy on the time front. I attended a phone call and 10 minutes later I was back on the saddle.
The ride till Ranipet was very pleasant. The road was lined with tress on both sides and the road surface was very good. I was having a very good ride till I got to Ranipet limits. The roads got crowded as the traffic was high and the tree cover reduced. I got into the town and had to ride through busy streets. When I made it out of Ranipet in a short distance I was at Walajpet and it was a repetition of the Ranipet scene. Riding was slow, I was close to the Krishnagiri - Chennai highway and could not wait to get onto the highway to get back onto speed. I crossed the bridge over a dry Palar river and made it to the highway.
I was excited to be on the highway, however the excitement lasted only a few minutes. There was no tree cover and the road was very bumpy. With no tree cover, I had to face the brunt of the Sun. After having ridden roads covered by tress, the change to no trees at all was difficult to handle. I gulped water every couple of minutes and within half an hour of riding I was hungry. Although I had planned to stop for lunch at Kanchipuram, as it was still 30 kilometers which would take over an hour I opted to stop for lunch. Took a few kilometers and then stopped when I saw a decent restaurant. I was served south Indian meal, I had a little over the usual quantity and filled myself up so that I don't have to make anymore stops for food.
It was peak afternoon when I resumed. In addition to the heat I had to contend with bad roads as well. The top layer of the road had been scraped off to relay a new surface, however as the new surface was not yet laid, I had to ride on long stretches of bad roads. Although it is a wide road, in most sections the shoulder on the left was not available pushing me to the middle lane and in a position to hinder traffic. The gradient map showed that it was downhill to Chennai, however, every time I looked up I could see that I was pedaling uphill. The wind was not helping either and I was forced to keep churning the pedals, the effect of having pedaled 230 kilometers was beginning to show, things were slowing down as compared to the morning session.
I made it past Kanchipuram and made a stop for coconut water a few kilometers later. The heat was intense and I rested for 10 minutes after gulping down the water from 2 coconuts. I had requested the shop keeper to relinquish his chair so that I could rest on it. He was kind enough to allow me to sit on the chair, I was beginning to doze off which showed that I was fatigued. I got up and got back on the saddle so that I don't get lazy.
When I got back on the road, the heat was still intense and the bad roads continued. It was frustrating to ride on the bad stretches, however every time I got a good stretch I made the most of it by riding quickly. I got to Sriperumbudur and stopped to refill water. Then had a couple of cups of sugarcane juice. I was tiring and was feeling the effect of the heat. I had done 294 kilometers and had a further 50 kilometers to get to Marina Beach in Chennai. First I wanted to get to 300 kilometers which was 6 kilometers away. Got back on and pedaled as quickly as possible, however the traffic increased two fold from Sriperumbudur and keeping away from the traffic was difficult with the bad roads pushing me onto the fast lane. I completed 300 kilometers in 11 hours 37 minutes ride time and the total time was 13 hours. It was 4:45 pm when I had completed 300 kilometers.
As I had only 44 kilometers to get to Marina Beach, I began to think that I could ride to Mahabalipuram tonight before stopping for the day as I could get to Mahabalipuram by 9 pm. However, when I restarted the ride, I ran into a lot of traffic. There was a lot of traffic signals and the honking and constantly being pushed to the left was very frustrating. Further as I did not know the route I had to make constant stops to check the route on Google Maps. As I got into the city the traffic situation only worsened. Riding was slow and the stop start nature of the ride was tiring me. After weaving my way through the Chennai traffic I arrived at Marina Beach. It was 6:45 pm. I had made it 2 hours 15 minutes before the budgeted time, however I was exhausted. I hung around for 15 minutes before starting from Marina beach. I rode through Gandhi Beach where different varieties of fish were being sold. Went over the bridge over Adyar River and then started the search for a lodge to catch up on rest. It took a few visits to different lodges before ending up at Bharani Lodge. The room ended as soon as I entered, however after being told that there are no rooms available at 3 lodges, I was not in the physical or mental state to search for another lodge. I completed the check in formalities and freshened up, had dinner and hit the bed early.

Day 2: Chennai - Mahabalipuram - Puducherry:
Date: 30 July 2017
Total distance: 170 Kilometers
Start Time: 6:25 am
End Time: 16:15 pm
With: -
Altitude Profile:
Chennai - Mahabalipuram - Auroville - Puducherry

I had kept the alarm at 5:00 am. It took a couple of minutes for me to realise that the alarm was ringing. I woke up, got ready and checked out of the lodge. By the time I loaded the luggage onto the cycle it was 6:25 am. I started the ride and headed towards the famous East Coast Road (ECR) which is said to be one of the must do routes for cyclists. I was excited about the route and followed google maps to get to the ECR which was not far from the lodge.
It looked like it had rained the previous night as the road was wet. As I rode out of the city I noticed that there was a lot of traffic already on the road even though it was a Sunday. In a short while I began to pass cyclists and also saw cyclists on the other side of the road. I was making it out of the city limits and could see that I was about a kilometer away from the Sea. I was riding parallel to the sea and all I needed to do was take a left and ride a kilometer to get to the beach. As I was riding next to the coast line I had a lot of opportunities of seeing the Sea and did not want to ride in specifically for it. I kept riding on the ECR.
I rode for about an hour and had covered 22 kilometers when I reached Muttukadu Backwaters. It was a beautiful view and I stopped on the bridge just like a whole bunch of other cyclists had. The Sun's rays kissing the water with the Sea in the back ground was a beautiful sight. For me it was like recharging my battery.
I was back on the saddle and made it past the toll and out of the city limits. Although I was out of the city the traffic was still heavy. The road was good and I was riding at a decent pace. Nothing close to yesterdays pace, I was still feeling the effect of the previous day's ride. Every time a view of the Sea opened up it had its advantage and disadvantage. Disadvantage was that the wind would pick up and being a cross head wind it slowed me down, however the sight of the sea offset the effort a little.
As I got closer to Mahabalipuram I got to see the Sea more often. I realised that the road can be appreciated better on a cycle than in a car. I had driven in a car few years back and had hardly seen the Sea since we speed through the road in a car, whereas on a cycle, since the speed is slow we get to look at the surroundings at a slower pace. It was close to breakfast time, however as I was close to Mahabalipuram I did not stop and rode into town. Once in town I decided to see the monuments before having breakfast.
It was just over 9:00 am when I reached Mahabalipuram. My first stop was at the Shore Temple. Primary concern was locking the cycle which after requesting the security guard I was allowed to lock to the perimeter railing. Now that the cycle was secure I was able to walk in and look at the temple peacefully. Just as I walked into the temple premises a huge group of almost 60-70 tourists were exiting the premises. I was happy that I was not at the temple premises when they were there since it would be difficult to see anything with so many people around.
The temple is in ruins, however what remains is still beautiful and only left me wondering as to how beautiful the original structure would have been. The temple with the Sea as its back drop was serene. A section of the temple is closed for restoration work and only a small portion is allowed for viewing. I walked around the temple, sat for a while and then made my way out.
My next stop was at the Five Ratha's. Cycle was again locked to the railing. Another beautiful monument. As I walked around I saw a group of youngsters had climbed to the roof of one of the monuments. Initially I thought that there was a staircase leading to the top, however on a closer look there was no staircase. They had climbed the wall and were standing on the roof. It showed that they hardly respected the monuments and just as I was thinking that these are the kind of people who should not be allowed into the premises, the security guard also noticed them atop and got them down and were given a course on what should be done and what shouldn't. I would have preferred that they had been fined, but they were let off.
I walked around the monument, took a few pics and made my way out. I covered a couple more locations, a cave and Arjuna's Penance on the cycle as these were right next to the road. I was done with Mahabalipuram, as I rode out of town I started looking for breakfast locations. I did not come across any in town on the way out and rode a few kilometers on the highway before stopping at a road side stall set up by a person. He was selling idli's and dosa's. I had a plate of idli and bought a 600ml Coca Cola from a bakery near buy. The cold Coca Cola cooled me down, I ate 4 idli's. I recharged the gopro battery while I had breakfast.
It was 10:10 am when I resumed the ride. I had 100 kilometers remaining to get to Puducherry. The next stop was at Auroville which is 10 kilometers before Puducherry. It was going to be a sustained period of riding. The Sun was out and the wind speed was also up. Unfortunately for me it was cross head wind and did not make things easy for me. Since speed was not a concern, I was fine with riding around 20kmph.
The next place on the kilometer stone was Marakannam which was 60 kilometers away. I targeted getting here by 1 am and started the ride. I had moved inland or at least the Sea was not visible after I got past Mahabalipuram. The next 40 kilometers was only about riding and me realising that the ECR is a very busy road and not suited for cyclists. There were hardly any stretches with shade and the traffic made it a risky road. I did not agree with the write up that this is a must do route for cyclists and thought that the interior roads in Goa were a better option than this.
The view improved after I made it past the bridge over Palar river. The Palar river was almost dry, however a few kilometers later I was at the Odiyur Lake. From here the ride quality improved since it was scenic with lakes, backwaters interspersed for the rest of the ride. Riding was pleasant although there were sections when the wind made it difficult. I came across a boat house where jet ski was the main attraction and spent some time watching people riding the jet ski.
When I reached Marakannam I was hungry. It was around 1:15 pm. I did not want to stop for lunch as I wanted to get to Puducherry for lunch. I tried to push on, however in a short while I was feeling weak and stopped at a store and drank a 600 ml Coco Cola in the hope that I could push the lunch time. When I restarted I was happy that the road was going slightly downhill. All through the day I had mostly ridden on terrain which was slightly uphill. However, the Coke did not have the desired effect and in 15 minutes I was hungry again. I was 20 kilometers from Puducherry city and 10 kilometers from the Puducherry border when I made the stop for lunch. I ate a veg meal and an omlette.
I was about 15 kilometers from the turn to Auroville. When I resumed the ride it was downhill, however I still had to pedal due to the wind. In a short while I was at the Puducherry border. When I crossed over I passed by the Pondicherry Medical University. On the left I had the Pondicherry University beach. As I wanted to get to Auroville I did not stop. I saw a vendor selling guava's and stopped to buy a kilogram of guava's. I ate one as I resumed the ride. I kept counting down the kilometers to Puducherry and was on the lookout for directions to Auroville. I reached the Puducherry bypass and realised that I had missed the turn to Auroville. I had to back track a few kilometers and saw that there is a very small board indicating the direction to Auroville.
There was an initial climb to Auroville, as I had not changed gears pedaling up was slow. The road after the climb was beautiful as it was lined with trees on both sides. I was having shade after a long time and enjoyed the ride to Auroville.
When I reached Auroville, I got to know that the meditation centre is closed for visitors on Sunday afternoon, however I was told that I could view it from outside. Further I was told that I could ride the cycle all the way. I was happy that I could ride the cycle, only issue was that it was a trail. The direction boards were also not sufficient and I headed to another exit before realising that I had missed a turn and had to ride back. I asked the guards on a couple of occasions for directions before arriving at the view point of the meditation centre.
After clicking a pic at the meditation centre I checked Google Maps for the route to Puducherry. It showed that there was a shorter route rather than going back by the same route that I had come. This route would join the Krishnagiri - Puducherry highway and not the ECR. As it was going to be a new road I opted for the shorter route. I followed the route on maps and after a while I realised that I had made a mistake. There were no sign boards on the trail and riding alone on the trail was not very exciting. After about a kilometer I had to cross over a huge puddle, as I could not gauge the depth of the puddle I was not sure about riding across it and wanted to carry the cycle over it. I tried to see if there were any possibility of getting across without getting my feet wet, however there were none. Just as I was getting ready to carry it over, a biker came from the opposite direction and rode through the puddle. I got a sense of the depth when he crossed the puddle. I got back on the saddle and rode through the puddle and entered an open field with no road. As google maps showed that I was on the right route, I continued on it and in a short while I was on a road. Followed the maps and got back on the main road leading to the highway. I was relieved when I was back on the main road.
The ride to the highway was pleasant as I was riding on a road lined with trees and with agricultural fields on both sides. When I got to the highway it was back to barren roads with no tree cover and the Sun belting down on the road. I rode slowly as it was uphill and got past the toll and entered Puducherry city limits.
The road was downhill and I sped through the city roads initially. As I got closer to the beach road the traffic increased and I slowed down. I made it to White Town and finally reached the beach road. Another location ticked off the cycling map. I parked the cycle and took a quick pic and rode on the beach road before heading to a lodge to call it a day. It was 5:15 pm and the plan was to head back to the beach road in the evening after freshening up.
I freshened up and rode back to White Town at 6:15 pm. When I reached the beach road I was surprised that a lot of vehicles were parked around the perimeter of beach road. I was told that the beach road is closed for vehicles including cycles from 6:00pm till 7:30am on a daily basis. I had to park the cycle and then walk to the beach road if I wanted to go. However, there was no safety for the cycle and I was not ready to leave it unattended. I opted to ride around White Town instead and rode for about half an hour before heading back, had dinner and then called it a day.

Day 3: Puducherry - Cuddalore - Puducherry:
Date: 31 July 2017
Total distance: 52 Kilometers
Start Time: 6:00 am
End Time: 9:30 pm
With: -
Altitude Profile:
Puducherry - Cuddalore - Puducherry

The plan was to ride to Chidambaram and then to Pichavaram before returning to Puducherry and boarding the night bus to Bangalore. I had booked the return ticket and had confirmed that the cycle would be loaded into the bus. I woke up at 5 am and was not feeling very good. I had a stomach upset and was low on energy . The kuthu parotta which I had for dinner did not agree with the system. I got ready and as I was returning to Puducherry on the same day I did not take my luggage.
I started the ride at 6:00 am. I rode through the streets of Puducherry before joining the highway to Cuddalore. Just as I reached the highway I was hungry and ate a guava which I had purchased the previous day. It was a crowded road and as I rode even though the Sun was not out I was very thirsty and kept sipping water. In a short while I was feeling uneasy and was not feeling very good.
I ignored the feeling and concentrated on the road. I had ridden about 15 kilometers and was close to Cuddalore, however the uneasiness was increasing and I was feeling tired. I was unable to get the thought out of my head and decided that I had to stop to gather my thoughts and re-focus on the ride. In a couple of kilometers I came across a closed liquor store and stopped to rest.
I got off the cycle and took a few steps, bent a little and that's all it needed, I vomited the guava and all the water that I had drunk. I cleaned up and sat for a while, I had 50 kilometers to get to Chidambaram. I had to take a call if I could ride till Chidambaram and more importantly if it was worth riding to Chidambaram today. I decided that I would ride till Cuddalore and visit the beach at Cuddalore and if I am feeling alright I would ride to Chidambaram.
I got back on the cycle and rode to Cuddalore which was just 4 kilometers away. A couple of kilometers later I was at Cuddalore beach. I pushed the cycle on the beach and took a few pics of the Sun rise. I looked around and saw that the beach was dirty, a lot of muck had been washed ashore from the Sea and also a whole lot of garbage was strewn on the beach by the visitors. I searched for a place to sit, however, there was a dog which came close and started barking at me and the barking was continuous. The dog successfully managed to push me out of the beach.
I got back on the saddle and began to ride. Just a couple of meters and I had another bout of vomiting, water again. Whatever hopes that I had nursed till then of riding to Chidambaram evaporated. I knew that even if I ride to Chidambaram I would not be able to enjoy the place in my present state. I decided to ride back to Puducherry and rest.
I saw a coconut water vendor a kilometer later and stopped to have coconut water in the hope that the coconut water would do good rather than harm. I rode back to Puducherry after the brief stop. The ride back was not as tiring as I had expected and neither was there a drop in the speed. I was riding at a steady 20kmph. I was back in Puducherry at 9:30 am. I freshened up and hit the bed to catch up on rest and sleep.
I stepped out for a brief while for lunch. Things seemed fine when I got back to Puducherry and the rest seemed to have worked. I felt better and as I had to check out of the lodge at 6:00 pm, I had 4.5 hours to kill before boarding the bus. I rode to the Beach Road. Parked the cycle at the junction where I could see it and sat on the parapet wall lining the beach and sat facing the cycle rather than the water. As I was not confident of letting the cycle out of my eyes, I did not venture away on the beach road, I sat looking at the cycle and watched the Sun going down.
It was around 7:45 pm when I got up and began to ride again. I rode out of Puducherry and got to the by-pass and rode around the by-pass before heading into Puducherry again. Had dinner and went to the location where the bus would come. Waited for the bus, ensured that the cycle was loaded and then got into the sleeper bus and slept.

Trip Summary:
Got back home at 5:00 am the next day. It was like the weather and the altitude had a healing effect on the body. I felt better that I was at home and got back to resting and regaining my strength.
It was a trip that started very well as I managed to ride all the way to Chennai and then followed it up immediately with the ride to Puducherry on the next day without rest. I was really happy with the way things were going till I had the bout of dehydration. Learnt few things about the body and will take more care with respect to the spice intake on future rides.
Overall still a positive ride. Although I had expected rain, all I got was Sun and the expected tail wind never arrived, however riding in the Sun and the cross winds was an education in itself. It was disappointing to see dry river beds in Tamil Nadu, the traffic was another turn off, however the view of the Sea was fantastic and all the lakes/back waters were refreshing.
Ride Time (hrs)
Total Time
Avg Speed
Elevation Gain
| Bangalore | Chennai |
| Chennai | Puducherry |
| Puducherry | Puducherry |
Total |

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