
Date: 24 September 2017 Total distance: 138 Kilometers Start Time: 4:00 am Return Time: 15:45 pm With: - Altitude Profile: Koramangala - Kanakpura - Koramangala The incessant rains and work had forced me to cancel rides. I had been off the saddle for 40 days and was getting frustrated that I was unable to ride. I had spent time cleaning the house which was repeatedly flooded due to the rains and when it did not rain I was spending crazy hours in the office. I did manage to be free the previous Sunday, however I was too tired to ride. It was a similar state this Sunday as well, however, I was determined to get back on the bike and restart riding. Spent some time on thinking up a location and as usual with high expectations I first explored the locations which were in excess of 400 kilometers before bringing the expectation down. I have not done a hill climb from the time I have purchased the Trek and Nandi Hills and Basavana Betta were very tempting locatio...