
Date: 13 August 2016 Total distance: 303 Kilometers Start Time: 2:00 pm on 13 August 2016 Return Time: 8:00 pm on 15 August 2016 With: - It was a long weekend and I did not have any plans to travel. However, on Saturday 13 August 2016, I was changing the tires on the road bike from the 25 c that I had used from the time of purchase to 23c tires, I wanted to test the 23c tires and what better way to do that than to go for a long ride. My sister had travelled to Mysore and I decided to ride to Mysore and spend the weekend (what would be left of it) with her. To Mysore : Date: 13 August 2016 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 10:30 pm From: Koramangala To: Lalitha Mahal Palace Road Distance: 151 kilometers Altitude Profile: Koramangala – Ramanagar – Mandya - Mysore By the time I decided to travel it was already mid-day; the decision to travel had been fuelled in part since my cousins were travelling to Coorg and I decided to spend the weekend with my sist...